Shortly, PeerBerry investors will receive part of their investments into Ukrainian and Russian loans – in total EUR 1,3 million.
On April 6-7, PeerBerry processes a repayment of EUR 1,2 million to cover a part of war-affected short-term loans.
At the beginning of the next week, EUR 100 000 of the Ukrainian long-term loans will be repaid. This month’s repayment is a part of the war-affected loans’ gradual repayment plan.
Since the war started in Ukraine, PeerBerry business partners from the Group’s reserves already repaid EUR 10 million of investments (including this month’s repayment) into war-affected loans.
After the latest repayment in April, PeerBerry business partners’ obligations in Ukrainian and Russian markets are:
– Aventus Group’s obligations towards investors amount to EUR 12,16 million (Ukraine) and EUR 19,03 million (Russia),
– Gofingo Group in the Ukraine obligations towards PeerBerry investors amount to EUR 9,04 million.
Until no transfers of funds are available from the Ukrainian and Russian markets, PeerBerry business will use a part of its profits to gradually repay war-affected loans.
Aventus Group and Gofingo Group are about to gradually repay war-affected loans on a monthly base (not quarterly as planned at the beginning of the war).
The next repayment of war-affected loans is scheduled for the first week of May.